Sharing Your Recording
Faculty will generally have the Canvas and Panopto structures generated for them, based on ctcLink and enrollment info. So the Canvas class course will be made, enrolled students will have access to the Canvas class and the associated Panopto folder.
Staff, administrative employees, etc. will generally not have a Canvas/Panopto course structure setup unless they had requested something from eLearning to conduct some trainings, etc. To share an individual Zoom recording from Panopto most non-faculty users will want to go into Panopto, locate the recording they wish to share and then directly share that recording.
Sharing basics for Panopto are located here:
Some things to keep in mind if you Zoom recordings are not part of a Canvas/Panopto course scenario, where shared permissions are set for you:
For trainings, one-off meetings that need to be reviewed by additional staff you may want to share your recording via 'Anyone with the link' approach. That limits what obstacles viewers are presented with when opening your shared link. With some sharing permissions users may be confused by being prompted with Canvas or Panopto login information if they are not frequent users of the services.
The 'Anyone with the link' sharing method is based on security by obscurity - the link is not searchable or discoverable by normal means, so the security is determined by who is given the shared link.
'Anyone at the Organization with the link' option is probably next best. Users will be presented with a log in prompt (for Canvas, which will take them to Panopto) which eliminates viewing for non-CCS associated viewers. This does require users to know their Canvas/Panopto info.
- Specific People sharing is for the most highly sensitive information or information for a certain subset of users. Simply add users via ctcLink ID, by name or email. These users will need to know their Canvas and Panopto login information.